Getting back on the saddle

These thoughts are mostly for myself, but if you’re curious about how much interest exists re: Koreans, you might want to check this out.

Searches related to Koreans & Gyopos

Korean and Gyopo related searches on Google

You can see that there has been a rise in “han” searches, but if you look deeper, it’s because they are related to “han solo” which is searched 368,000 times a month, if you didn’t know. The different permutations add to a much larger number.  Nevertheless, there are people (probably gyopos themselves) who are searching for my specific diaspora.

Pulling out “han,” the searches are a bit more sparse.  korea blog, kyopos & gyopos searches

Limiting it to the seed keywords:

  • korean blog
  • kyopos
  • gyopos
  • blog korea
  • korea blog

google tells  us that people are more interested on topics related to travel to the peninsula nation.  Many “itinerary” searches come up.  So, perhaps I should do posts re: what interesting spots might be good to land in if traveling to Korea?

For example, if you look at my post answering:

Why is South Korea so ugly?

you’ll see that I facetiously answer the question on Quora proving it’s not AND share a good number of locations (or at least pictures of them) that are potential destinations for these “sought after” itinerary searches

You’re right. That’s a pretty ugly pagoda. The red leaves and other colors during their fall make this just an outright atrocious picture.

Here’s some more of their ugliness. Can you believe they would let the world even bear to take in these female specimens? Another injustice.

This view at Bongeunsa Temple is possibly one of the worst sights I’ve seen. I don’t know how the Koreans handle it themselves.

These Rapeseed fields on Jeju island are a must avoid. Seeing this, I can’t see myself going to that “supposed” hawaii of Korea.

And Busan’s Marine City is obviously a horrendous amalgamation of modern architecture that make your eyes hurt. I don’t know why anyone would want to either visit or even live there.

Enough said.

South Korea is obviously “so ugly.”

800+ upvotes on Quora

“Korea” searches are on the rise

Korea Searches rising in 2020

While it dropped a bit in 2018, it’s been back on the rise.  Maybe all those Kdramas and Kpop views while everyone is home because of covid?

korea searches from 2004 to 2020

“korea” searches from 2004 to 2020


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