Tag Archives: vosang

Korean websites where you can find computer/laptop deals

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kohjinsha laptop

kohjinsha laptop

My coworkers recently showed me some Korean websites to shop for computers since I said I was looking for a cheap laptop to replace my current solutions.  I have a couple old laptops that take forever to bootup.  One also has problems with the keyboard where it seems like a hotkey is stuck and the regular keyboard keys don’t function — basically, I can’t type anything on it or navigate properly.  The other one has problems connecting to my wireless LAN and I have to pull it out and insert it along with sometimes rebooting it.  It’s sad though when I think about the fact I’m complaining about moving my hand just a few times and being patient a few minutes longer.  It’s funny how society’s become more and more impatient about just a few minutes (or maybe it’s just me?).  Anyway, the websites are: Continue reading


Filed under Advice, Great finds, Great sites, Korea life, Shopping, Technology