Category Archives: Byung-hyu

Zero to One Million hits (+35,377)

one million plus hitsStarting in February of 2007, I started this little blog with very little in terms of expectations.  At the end of the month, I had a total of 27 views to the blog.  Most of them were probably mine. 😉

The month after, I had a whopping 50% increase and jumped to 37 views.  Well, it looks like I increased, but actually I decreased from two hits a day down to one because the month of February was only a short month of blogging.  I think I started somewhere in the middle of the month averaging my views per day to being 2/day.  So, yes, a total of 30 days of work got me a total of a view a day basically.  It was depressing and like many who blog, I’m sure I was wondering “what am I doing?”

Somehow, the 3rd month gave me a little inspiration.  Thanks to wordpress, our posts are not just optimized for the internet, but they also show up in some categories on the blog site where other “wanna be bloggers” are able to see our posts and give their support, if not just their curious fingers clicking on our well thought out post titles.  😉

It took me another 4 months (yes 7 months total) before I hit the 1000 views+ mark.  In September, I had almost doubled what I had in terms of website traffic in one month.  The google sandbox is reality.  It takes a while to get a blog (and a lot of hard work & energy spent) to get it more traffic.  Just a few months after in December, I increased my traffic 800%!!!

increase website traffic 800% Continue reading


Filed under Accolades, Announcements, Blogs - Korea Expats, Business, Byung-hyu, Entertainment, Entrepreneurship, Impressive, Inspirational, Just interesting..., Online projects

Protected: Year in Review: “Brandon” Byung-hyu Na

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Filed under Busan stuff, Byung-hyu, Journal Entry, Just interesting..., Kade and Kamden, Korea life, Kyopo - Korean American, Kyopo life, Motorcycle, People, Rants

An update on life these days in Busan…

Sorry for the lack of activity lately. Been quite busy with the radio station gig, classes at Korea Maritime University and my private English lessons. The University also asked me to do an extra high school class this month making it even more busy recently.

Well, here’s something a little fun. If you’re interested in some new songs and possibly wanting to know what I listen to a bit these days, check out the Play List on my radio show here. The last song is usually called “Brandon’s Choice” and I usually try to play a song that I like or is upbeat. Sometimes it’s to make a point, but I aim for the entertaining. I do lean toward Hip Hop to be frank or K-pop like beats with the emphasis on songs that are relatively popular, just fyi. I like country and a few other genres once in a while.


Filed under Busan stuff, Byung-hyu, Korea life, Kyopo life, Random thoughts

A day in the life of…

Korea october 2009 347…Brandon.

a.k.a. Byung-hyu Na.

These days, I’ve been focusing on writing a book I’ve been wishing to complete for some time now.  Actually, it replaces what I thought would be my first book titled “Hit or Stand.”  I’m going to try and get this book done primarily for you great friends out there asking “So, why did you go to Korea?” and my boys who I hope some day will understand what their father was thinking all these years.

For now, I’m focusing on ER: The Urgency behind Korea’s Real Education Emergency or something like that.  I have a few opinions on the future of South Korea and thought my 10 chapter book on it may help the future generations of Korea stay competitive despite Korea’s success thus far.

Back to the “day in the life of…” me…

These days, I focus a bit of time on Inside Out Busan at eFM 90.5.  I should actually be writing for my radio show, in my opinion, but decided to take a couple hours for a break today since I feel like I’m non-stop with the radio show, my classes at the University and my privates which are nowadays on Wednesday, Saturday and a couple hours on Sunday.  I’ve also been asked to do a couple more, but not sure if I want to spend more hours on Sunday and literally fail to have even a single weekend day off.  The sad irony is that I’m still making less than I was before I decided to go solo and that I’m working every day of the week.

I do have Tuesdays through Thursday’s during the days off, but have to go into the station to do the show in the evenings so they’re just 1/2 days off with my only other day off being a 75% day off on Sunday.  So, I guess I sort of have 2.25 days off split over 4 days.  I use one of the half days though to catch up on sleep from the lack of it on my Mondays that are spent early in Korea Maritime University.

Oh before talking about my weekly schedule, I am very grateful in seeing my folks who visited recently.  Also, on the near term horizon, I have Edwark Park, a Principal of a Chinese language school in or near San Diego, coming to visit.  Looking forward to seeing Ed.  What else?   I think I need to find a cheap car for the winter as well.  Any ideas anyone?   Continue reading


Filed under Announcements, Books, Byung-hyu, Friends and Family, Random thoughts, Rants

Not the best week thus far…

The other morning, I fell down the stairs in my apartment for the first time.


It wasn’t a pleasant fall either…

I slid down the last three or so stairs landing face down on the floor. I looked up thinking “Jeez, I had better be careful next time.” I then look down to my arm which is throbbing to find the following “rug burn” (I guess the best term I can pin down for now). It didn’t help to add it to the recovering cigarette burn to my arm (no, I’m not joining the ranks of all the smokers here, but in an attempt to pat the back of one of our newer teachers who was smoking (out on the town), I caught the end of his cigarette instead).

Anyway, now writing this, all I can think of the phrase we may use when getting older “I’ve fallen and I can’t get back up!” I hope I never reach this point. Continue reading

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Filed under Busan stuff, Business practices, Byung-hyu, Korea life, Random thoughts, Stupid, Unfortunate

Not any given Sunday…

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Today was definitely not what I had hoped would be a “relaxing Sunday.” Last night, I stayed out late partly due to my fault in wanting to go out and the other part to see if the crowd would change at the bar Tim, myself and a new friend of ours hung out until like 5a. I managed to get to sleep by 6a… Continue reading

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Filed under Byung-hyu, Korea life, Random thoughts, Unfortunate